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Studwork Finished!

We are approaching the half-way point of the studio build. The project has come along way and there is still a mile to go. Momentum is building and we are so pleased with the work done so far.

We have reached a milestone and the main timber structures that create the control room and live room are complete. Each timber frame was constructed on the floor and erected into place, with over 1000 screws holding the whole thing together!

Our design incorporates 3 different ceiling heights, 2.4m, 2.7m, and 3.3m. The lowest ceiling is for for hospitality area at the back of the control room that also has a step up from the front of the control room. The 2.7m height is at the front of the control room where our listening position is; this was the most we could get out of the unit on that side. In the live room we have both 2.7m and 3.3m heights to give us acoustical variety in the recording space.

Next on the list is to start packing it out with high density mineral wool!

The electrical work has also begun. The first job with this is to run the cables around the stud walls for the lights, switches, and sockets. Stay tuned and keep updated, we'll be back with more next week.

See more photos of the project in the gallery.

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